Dancing in Graz

Author: Ale /

We went to a YSA dance in Graz the first night we were there. It was like stepping back in time to a stake dance when I was 14. Austrians dance a little differently-here is what I figured out:

1) They must dance songs from every decade. This means they will not play anything new until almost 2 o'clock in the morning.
2) They have a certain waltz/ two- step they like to dance....to EVERY dance. No matter how fast or slow it is they will dance the same dance. Lloyd tried to teach me this dance. It's not easy and it feels kinda silly. Crazy techno + two step = DOES NOT WORK!
3) Round about 2 am they took our request for Party in the USA. Win. The Americans took over the dance floor...and the Austrians and Germans watched us NOT dance the two-step. They probably think we are crazy....but it was fun.

Lloyd and I...burning up the dance floor....kinda.

from left to right: Me, Rebeka, Krystle, Kayla, Will, Jessica, Cassie, and Mika.

Me Kayla and Jessica

Perry. Dancing between taking A MILLION pictures.


Meryl McFarland said...

ALE remember their dancing so you can teach me!!!!

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